Opportunities for a Bright Future

AZ Cyber Initiative ensures digital equity, diversifies STEM pathways, and develops future tech leaders for Arizona’s Youth. We close the digital skills gap through hands-on cyber literacy, motivating students to see them selves as community leaders pursuing quality jobs in cybersecurity.


Good Pay & Equal Access

AZ Cyber Initiative tackles workforce disparities by offering underrepresented populations in STEM equal access to digital careers, address the lack of foundational skills and promoting diversity in the tech sector. Our goal is to bridge gaps and provide household-sustaining wages.

Personal & Community Safety

AZ Cyber Initiative focuses on cybersecurity to ensure personal and community safety in the digital and real world. With over 750,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs, we address this gap by promoting cyber literacy skills across various sectors, contributing to the resilience of critical fields like healthcare and energy infrastructure.

The AZ Cyber Initiative is a non-profit dedicated to unlocking opportunities for young people who are interested in cyber and emergent technology. We collaborate with workforce partners across the state to offer programs that provide career-connected and work-based learning experiences, leading to quality digital jobs that help young people achieve their dreams.

Cyber Bootcamps

The AZ Cyber Initiative’s Cyber Bootcamps are week-long sessions that offer hands-on skill development for students exploring education and career opportunities in cybersecurity and IT.

The Cyber Bootcamp curriculum is designed in partnership with affiliated nonprofit organizations, prominent industry leaders, and various local and national organizations from both the private and public sectors.

Beginner Bootcamp

An introductory program offering high school students a chance to learn basics of cybersecurity, explore academic interests, and consider careers in cyber or IT.

Intermediate Bootcamp

A program giving students a chance to build on the foundational skills acquired in the introductory bootcamp.

Working with Teachers & Schools 

AZ Cyber works with with K-12 schools and from across the state to incorporate cyber awareness and education into all classes and curriculums – not just IT classes.

Educator Bootcamps

We offer professional development opportunities and Cyber Bootcamps designed specifically for educators interested in integrating cyber-related concepts and career-connected learning into their lesson plans.

School Partnerships

We collaborate with schools to provide a wide range of career-connected and work-based learning experiences related to digital career pathways for students.

Professional Advice & Experience



Internships for high school students who successfully complete a Cyber Bootcamp.

Post-high school internship opportunities for students enrolled in degree or certification programs in cyber-related fields.


Virtual mentorships connecting participating students with experienced industry professionals.